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Palliative Care

Jovimed’s palliative care focuses on providing patients a relief

From pain and other symptoms of a serious illness,

No matter the diagnosis or stage of disease our caregivers aim to improve the quality of life for both patients and their families.

Jovimed Palliative Care

Jovimed Palliative Care Program provides professional healthcare support aiming at offering the patient with the proper environment to release emotional stress. Our dedicated staff strives to improve the patient’s quality of life. Our center encourages relatives’ support during the process, and keeps open communication with the immediate family members.

Jovimed – palliative care program is designed for people with incurable diseases. The program offers a suitable and soothing environment for the patient, combined with professional health care, as well as emotional and spiritual support for the terminal patient.

​Jovimed palliative care plan is designed to meet the individual needs of each patient in terms of diagnosis and treatment of pain. In consultations with family, we offer the most appropriate therapy for the patient. In addition to our


permanent staff of nurses, caregivers and occupational therapists, depending on the individual needs of the patient, we provide the support of physicians, priests, psychologists and social workers, including a separate nursing assistant at night.

Our staff makes it easy for family members to stay with the patient while staying at Jovimed. All visits are tailored to the needs of the patient and his family depending on his or her health condition.


Who needs the palliative care program?

Typowi pacjenci paliatywni cierpią nie tylko z powodu ciężkiego i nieustającego bólu, ale także z innych poważnych stanów chorobowych, wynikających z postępu choroby. Objawy fizyczne i emocjonalne, które powodują ból, dyskomfort czy lęki są często zbyt trudne dla członków rodziny, aby zapewnić profesjonalną opiekę pacjentowi w jego własnym domu. Niejednokrotnie lepiej jest zastąpić nieprzyjazne otoczenie szpitalne na takie, gdzie pacjent poczuje się jak w środowisku najbliższych, czyli bezpiecznie oraz swobodnie. Program paliatywny Jovimed ma na celu stworzenie najbardziej komfortowych warunków dla pacjenta, złagodzenie cierpienia spowodowanego bólem i jednocześnie zapewnienie rodzinie możliwości spędzania czasu z chorym w atmosferze rodzinnej.


Senior Home director

Agnieszka Pianowska

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(+48) 422 110 621

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Zachodnia 37, 95-054 Ksawerów, Poland

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